About LiveStock Impact, Inc.


Livestock Impact, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of BioAdaptives,Inc. it continues with the development and distribution of health and wellness products unique for animals. Presently, products for canine and equine users provide for improved appearance and general health as well as rejuvenating the animal for overall performance. The new company will continue its efforts began as an operating division of BioAdaptives, Inc., but, as a wholly owned subsidiary, will gain the corporate independence to explore new alliances, develop new markets and products, and consider new and unique solutions for growth and expansion. The new Company will continue to rely upon past science and nutrition advisors to assist in product and formulation decisions.


Robert Ellis, President






Robert Ellis, Director

Robert Ellis brings more than forty years of business management experience to the Company.  He has worked extensively in senior positions across a variety of industry disciplines, including aerospace, electronics, communications, and international marketing.  Mr. Ellis has been an executive officer in private and public companies, both major entities, start-ups, and emerging entities.  He has an Accounting Degree from the University of Illinois, and is a CPA.


Charles Townsend, COO

Charles Townsend brings a resume of business management experience and skills. This experience and these skills have been used to illustrate or map out additional ways to reposition or re-employe privately owned assets.  Charles has been an executive officer in private and public companies, both major entities, start-ups, and emerging entities.  His BA degree is from the University of Texas, Austin…his MBA is from University of North Texas

Board of Directors

Press Releases